Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal

EBCH cover

Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal (EBCH) was produced six times a year by the Cochrane Child Health Field. EBCH ran from 2006 to 2014 and was indexed in Medline and Scopus. Each issue of the journal contains:

  • Full text of three to six important, child-relevant Cochrane reviews, and a commentary on each review
  • An overview of reviews, summarizing two or more Cochrane reviews on interventions for a particular condition

Our overviews of reviews are very popular and frequently downloaded.  Topics have included (links to review): 

Acute Otitis Media

Major depression in children and youth

Anxiety disorder treatment for children and adolescents

Nephrotic syndrome

Autism spectrum disorder

Nocturnal enuresis

Bicycle helmet use

Non-pharmacological interventions for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder


Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Chronic cough

Prevention of allergy and food hypersensitivity

Community acquired pneumonia

Procedural pain


Recurrent abdominal pain


Sickle cell disease

Leukotriene receptor antagonists for children with asthma

Sore throat

Long-acting beta agonists for children with asthma
